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shake one’s hand
握着某人的手  detail>>
hand shake
符号交换  detail>>
shake my hand
握握我的手  detail>>
shake sb by the hand
同某人握手  detail>>
shake-hand grip
横握拍法  detail>>
shake hands with each one
挨个儿握手  detail>>
hand in hand on one hand
一方面  detail>>
dear friend,shake your hand
请握一握手  detail>>
hand it to one
承认某人的伟大  detail>>
on one hand
一方面  detail>>
on the one hand
在一方面  detail>>
one hand
(双打开始时)一次发球权 一只手  detail>>
单手  detail>>
shake the snow off one’s coat
把衣服上的雪花抖掉  detail>>
on the one hand…on the other hand
一方面…另一方面…  detail>>
one hand one heart
合二为一 携手同心  detail>>
she gave him her hand to shake
她让他握手  detail>>
bite the hand that feeds one
恩将仇报/以怨报德/忘恩负义 恩将仇报,忘恩负义 贪多咽不下 忘恩负义,恩将仇报 忘恩负义,以德报怨 自毁长城 自绝于好友  detail>>